Brad Kassabian - Owner

702-450-2277 |

Brad has been a classic car enthusiast for as long as he can remember. His first car, a 1967 Camaro Rally Sport, he restored during his teens. All through High School and College he worked at Good Chevrolet in Alameda, learning all aspects of the automobile industry.  He went from the kid that washed cars on weekends to Business Manager that signed the checks!!  Then in 1989, he opened Kassabian Motors, the beginning of his entrenprenuerial adventure. Now, he and his wife Trinis, have opened their new Showroom: Vegas Classic Muscle Cars in Henderson, NV.  In addition to USA Hot Cars and My Hot Cars., in San Ramon, CA. This brand new operation displays some of the most beautiful, rare and desirable Classic and Muscle Cars that you will find anywhere. Brad's enthusiasm and knowledge of classic cars is something he has eagerly shared with thousands of customers, helping them to get the Classic or Muscle Car that they have always wanted. He feels fortunate to be able to spend each day doing something he loves, introducing others to the joy of classic car ownership!